Asha for Education An action group for basic education in India. Blueberry Buddha Recodings Go here to pick up a copy of the excellent Mandalay Marionette Music. Companion Records Wonderful outpost for Outsider music. Electro Motive Records Our Co-Conspirators in releasing Azadi! Home of Mono Pause, Porest & More. Fire Museum Records Videos Page Videos of Fire Museum Recording artists and more. Kwisp - Teriyaki Vest Odyssey Music for Massless Forms on homebuilt and exotic instruments with dashes of DaDa, wacko psychedelia, surrealism & experimental explorations.... Mandragora Records Home of Pure Psychedelic Noise Occult Experimental Music. Pax Recordings Great S.F. based creative/improvised music label. Resipiscent New Label for adventurous and out there sounds. Sublime Frequencies Incredible series of field recordings, radio transmissions, international folk and pop music and other forms of human and natural expression. TV-B-Gone Turns off virtually any television. From the minds at Cornfield Electronics. The Wire Adventures in Modern Music - Monthly Experimental/Independent Music Publication. |